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Swing Time Newsletter — Monday JULY 8th 2019
This Wednesday, July 10th, is the Gulfport Casino Swing Night,
Triple-Time Swing Lesson 6-7pm,
Single-Time Swing Lesson 7-8pm,
and Dancing 8-11pm.
Just $8 includes both lessons and the dance, students get $6 admission, and
birthday people get free admission.
Triple-Time Swing is the 6-7pm lesson topic every Wednesday in July at the Gulfport Casino Swing Night, taught by Sam. Triple-Time Swing forms the basis for most advanced swing dancing (including Lindy Hop, West-Coast Swing, Boogie Woogie, Ballroom Jive, Carolina Shag, and East-Coast Swing, to name a few), for the simple reason that if you add more steps, you can perform more intricate moves. So kick your dancing up a few notches with these lessons, and learn some very cool moves in the process!
This Thursday, July 11th, Swing Time's Summer 6-Week Courses start at Simone Salsa studio in Tampa — Swing I (7pm), Lindy Hop I (8pm), and Balboa I (9pm). This is your chance to get really good at one, two, or all three of these dances! Each dance features a 6-week Level-One course, followed by a 6-week Level-Two course. Over 20 years of dancing and teaching experience went into designing these courses, and there's nothing else like them in all of Florida. See bottom of newsletter for full course info. Register here. I hope you'll take advantage of this entry point, and please spread the word! —Sam
This Friday, July 12th, is SOUL NIGHT 1980's at the Gulfport Casino! Dance 8pm-midnight to the best of 1980's Disco, R&B, Funk and Soul! Arrive early for a West-Coast Swing Lesson 7-8pm. 1980's attire is encouraged! Get ready to dance the Soul Train! Just $10 includes everything; students get $6 admission if they show up by 7pm and take the lesson.
Lesson Info — Swing Time welcomes special guest instructor, Renee Lipman, who'll teach the 7pm West-Coast Swing lesson. Renee is a mover and shaker in the West-Coast world who's largely responsible for the resurgence of West-Coast Swing in Tampa Bay.  Since 2006, she's won numerous competitions, including a silver medal in the 2007 U.S. Open Swing Dance Championships.
Thursday, July 11th, 7:00pm, Swing Time starts a new 6-week course at Simone Salsa studio in Tampa, SWING - BEGINNER I: Introduction & Foundations of Swing Dancing. This course is designed and taught by Sam, it's a progressive series of lessons where each week builds upon prior weeks, and it's for people with zero prior dance experience, and for experienced swing dancers who want to correct any bad habits and fundamentally improve their overall dancing. In this 6-week course, you'll learn how to dance the easiest and most popular form of swing, known as East-Coast Swing or 6-Count Swing. You'll also gain a solid foundation in swing dancing that'll prepare you for more-advanced forms of swing dancing. After six weeks, you'll know how to lead or follow 20 different moves & turns, plus how to combine these moves & turns into infinite variations. You'll gain footwork and turning skills, dance to a spectrum of swinging music, and learn solid partnering and dancing techniques. At the end of this course, you'll be able to attend any swing dance and enjoy dancing the entire evening! Swing - Beginner I will be followed by a 6-week Swing - Beginner II course which starts August 22nd. You must take level one (or test out of it) in order to enroll in level two. More Info / Registration
Thursday, July 11th, 8:00pm, Swing Time starts a new 6-week course at Simone Salsa studio in Tampa, LINDY HOP I. This course is designed and taught by Sam, and it's a progressive series of lessons where each week builds upon prior weeks. In this 6-week course, you'll learn how to dance the Lindy Hop. After six weeks, you'll know how to lead or follow more than 16 Lindy Hop moves & turns. You'll also learn the fundamental Lindy Hop positions and footwork, plus solid partner-dancing techniques. At the end of this course, you'll be comfortable dancing basic Lindy Hop. Whether you're new to Lindy Hop, or have taken classes but are not yet fluent in Lindy Hop, try this course out — we'll get you dancing the dance! Lindy Hop I will be followed by a 6-week Lindy Hop II course which starts August 22nd. You must take Lindy Hop I (or test out of it) in order to enroll in Lindy Hop II. More Info / Registration
Thursday, July 11th, 9:00pm, Swing Time starts a new 6-week course at Simone Salsa studio in Tampa, BALBOA I. This course is designed and taught by Sam, and it's a progressive series of lessons where each week builds upon prior weeks. This course is recommended both for people with no prior Balboa experience and for experienced Balboa dancers who want to learn more Balboa and fundamentally improve their Balboa dancing. This 6-week course takes you step-by-step through all of the fundamental moves of Balboa. You'll learn the Downhold Basic, Uphold Basic, Ad Libs, Scoots, Paddles, Serpentines, Come Arounds, Lollies, Throw Outs & Returns, Outs & Ins, plus combinations and variations. You'll gain leading and following skills, and experience dancing the Balboa through six weeks of instruction, drills, and practice. Learn to skillfully dance this course's material, and you'll be ready for the Intermediate Level at Balboa events worldwide! Balboa I will be followed by a 6-week Balboa II course which starts August 22nd. You must take Balboa I (or test out of it) in order to enroll in Balboa II. More Info / Registration
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